Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My favourite Youtube videos

(click on a video title to access it)

This article is about Youtube videos. Yes, this introduction of the topic is not very elaborated. In fact, at first, it was planned that I begin with key-dates. Like February 2005, the creation of Youtube, October 2006, the purchase of the website by Google for 1,65 billions US-dollars or December 2012, Gagnam Style video clip reaching 1 billion of views. But I am not really sure that these are the most interesting facts I could set out to you.

I could also have begun with a common catch phrase like ''Youtube changed the way people watch videos on the Internet. Today, some Youtube stars are far more popular than Hollywood stars with the American young.'' Again, that is a nice fact, but it does not really fit the topic that interests me.

Another possible introduction would have been to give you figures, like Youtube has more than 1 billion users, 300 hours of videos are uploaded to Youtube every minute, or hundreds of millions of hours of videos are watched every day on the website. Unfortunately, it is still not what I want to talk about.

Because what I really want to talk about is Youtube videos, and not Youtube itself. I have watched a lot of them, and Youtube has now become the media on which I spend the most time. That is why I want to submit to you today five of my favourite English-speaking Youtube videos. There are of course other videos that I love and that won't be on this list. .

On three separates occasions, and especially from April 2007 until September 2008, Smosh reached the first position of the list of the most subscribed Youtube channel. They are still now the Youtube channel that has spent the most days at the first position.

Smosh is a duo of two men, Ian Andrew Hecox and Anthony Padilla. They record funny videos where they play different characters that live absurd adventures. These characters are often a parody of themselves, are very childish and think rarely coherently.

In the video “POKEMON IN REAL LIFE!” they parody the game pokemon, simulating how it would be if real persons acted like in the pokemon video games in real life. For example, the main hero is forced to fight with a « metro sexual hipster » pokemon trainer when he makes eye contact with him. Then follows an absurd pokemon fight where the enemy trainer cannot do anything but still wants to have his turn to fight.

The concept of the Epic Rap Battle of History is to imagine a rap contest between two historic or fictional characters. Among all the epic rap battles that they invented, you can fin Hitler vs Darth Vader, Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates, Moses vs Santa Claus, Rasputin vs Stalin (vs Lenin vs Gorbatchev vs Putin) or Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney.

In Mozart vs Skrillex, they reuse all the criticism that are levelled against dubstep music through the mouth of Mozart : it is not real music, it is for drug addicts, it is too simple, … while the fake Skrillex affirms that classical music is boring and for old people.

Besides the video itself, I like the comments on it. Some people take it far too seriously and try to debate to know which music is the best between dubstep and classical music, when there is no possible comparison. Uninteresting posts or infinite debates in which people end up insulting each other often spoil the Youtube comment section, which can be fun to read sometimes.

Game of thrones, it's kind of like a History test, but with dragons and boobs!” In their Honest trailers, the screen junkies create fake trailers for series or movies, parodying it and saying out loud what everybody really thinks about the original content. They did it with movies like Forrest Gump, Gravity or the Hunger Games, and series like Breaking Bad, Walking Dead or Game of thrones.

In fact, not only honest trailers are uploaded on the Screen Junkie channel. There are a lot of different funny videos about series and cinema, even if the honest trailers are the most famous of them. Go watch it if you are a screen junkie too.

Asdf movies are cartoons very simply drawn and very funny. Now there are 8 of them. Each video is composed of a few short sequences that tell very concise stories. For example, two characters stand in front of each other. The first one says « There is something on your face », punches the other one in the face and continues « It was pain! ».

Taken separately, each of these short sketches are not really interesting, but the video manages to make us laugh thanks to three key elements of the new type of internet humor: absurdity, timing and recurrence. Let me clarify myself.

Absurdity first. Each time a little sketch begins, you have no idea how it will end, or, more precisely, if you try to predict the end you will probably fail. Dialogues and actions are highly unexpected and always totally absurd. For example, a little jingle sings « Desmond, the moon bear! », we see a bear on the moon who asks « how did I get here?», the voiceover says « the end. » and that's it : totally absurd and unexpectable.
Secondly timing. Our society is faster than ever and short jokes, short videos, short information are really the Internet favored contents. Here, it's not only the shortness of the sketches, but also the rhythm of them. You never have any moments of blank, you can not feel bored, because everything is quick and placed at a perfect timing.
And recurrence. What I mean by recurrence is that some characters from old sketches are coming back in new ones, like Desmond the moon bear (the second time, it is the same sketch but Desmond is a skeleton). There are also the flop guy, the manly cow, the trains fan boy, mister muffin or the dying potato. I think that this is the heart of Internet humor. For examples, the “memes” phenomenon is only based on references. I cannot really explain why this is funny. Maybe because reusing the same thing over and over generates an expectation from the recipient and breaking this expectation or twisting it creates a comic effect.

I do really believe that these three points are the pillars of a new type of humor, which includes asdf movies.

Do you know who Jan Egeland is? He is a Norwegian politician who was the United Nations Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator from June 2003 to December 2006. So why is his name the title of a song?  
Ylvis is a Norwegian duo of TV anchor men who hosts a funny TV show in Norway. To promote their show they also sing funny songs. You might have heard of their biggest hit : « What does the fox say ? », a song asking the exact same question as its title, and answering it strangely.

In the case of « Jan Egeland », it is a tribute rock song to Jan Egeland, a parody of an apology by him and describing him as « the United Nations super-hero man » or « the peacekeeping machine ». They treat him like a super hero that you call against « mad dictators with a gun ». The song is of course a crescendo of absurdity, like when « He stares in the mirror, flexing muscle in the night. And he says ''Boy I think you’re ready to protect some human right!'' ». At the end, he is even described as a « macho musclepumping crying god. »

The reaction of Jan Egeland was very positive. He has even accepted to come to Ylvis' show to be interviewed.

 Ylvis made a lot of hilarious songs, like « Someone like me », dealing with the problem dubstep fans are facing searching love.

The Scandinavian countries are very active on Youtube. Another crew of funny singers called Kollektivet, who live in Norway too, made also ridiculous songs, like « ÆØÅ » in which they affirm that even if the Americans have everything bigger than Norway, they have a bigger alphabet, with 29 letters.

The youtuber who has the most subscribers is actually Swedish. His name is PewDiePie, and the concept of his video is to film himself playing video games. The videos of people playing video games are more and more popular on Youtube. I would explain that trend by the fact that it gives an overview of a game to the watcher and it is also funny to see someone failing and raging about it.

Of course there are tons of videos I love I did not talk about, but these five are already a good start to discover the Youtube universe.

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