Monday, February 23, 2015

Book review : Flying finish and Hot money

The book I read was a set of two novels written by the same author, named Dick Francis.

The first novel I read was entitled Flying Finish. The main character of this story is Henry, an office worker working for a horse transfering company. He was born in a noble family. Between the potential rich and noble fiancée his mother is continuously bringing at home and his office work, he finds his daily life boring. So, one day, he decides to change his job for a less paid but more exciting one : transfering horses by planes between Great-Britain and the other European countries.

During his flights, Henry learns the secrets of these trips : the little trafic of abbortion pills between Great Britain and Italy, where he falls in love with an Italian girl ; the little arrangements of one of his former colleagues in the office he used to work with, and then the reason of his disappearence and of the employee who had the job before him, due to the discovery of a sordid traffic of money.
Following this last discovery, Henry has to fight for his life, which he manages to do. The book finishes strangely on the arrival of Henry in England by piloting an aiplane for the first time, with us not knowing what will happen next.

The second novel I read was entitled Hot Money. The story begins with the call of a family father, Malcom Pembroke, married five times, to one of his son, named Ian, aged 30. The two men didn't talk to each other since the father slapped Ian. The father's last wife was killed recently, and he now fears that someone might be trying to kill him. This suspicion is confirmed when a car almost manages to crush Malcolm, saved to the last second by his son's reflexes.

So, this one begins to think about how to protect his father, which is quite hard, as his father has an impulsive temper, and begins an investigation on who may be trying to kill Malcolm in the family. Indeed, a lot of the family members need money that Malcolm don't want to give them because he thinks they have to deserve it. Moreover, Malcolm has recently spent a lot of money ; though it is to win more, the other family members are afraid that he will waste their inheritance. To conclude, they also think that Ian, while accompanying his father, will try to influence their father into giving him more money in the inheritance, which makes the investigation more difficult for him. He first entrusts Mr Norman West, an old private detective who was used by Joyce, Ian's mother, to prove that Malcolm was deceiving her, with an investigation. During this time, Ian and his father are getting to know each other more, and his father is beginning to understand why his son is fond of horses.

But the fact that his son keeps him far from his house, to be out of reach of the other family members, is making him homesick, and finally Ian accepts to come back home without warning the other family members. But by the evening, Ian notices something strange : some doors have been moved while neither of him nor his father touched them. Ian, which fears for both of their security, decides to sleep with his father in an hotel. The day after, Ian and Malcolm discover with horror that he was right : the house was destroyed by a bomb.

After the discovery of this bombing, the police, which had suspected so far Malcolm to be the cause of the death of Moira, is now getting serious over the supposed threats to Malcolm's life and begins to investigate on the ruins of the house to get hints over the possible amateur murderer, while Ian puts his father in security in the U.S.A. and begins to talk with the different members of the family, which he is allowed to thanks to a fake clause he invents on his father's will. During the process, he also disturbs their daily life by revealing their inner sufferings.

Then, he tries to attract the killer in a trap : as he thinks that the person that tried to kill Malcolm may have been the one who killed Moira, he entrusts to his mother telling every member of the family that Moira may have left the name of the visitor that killed her on her notepad. Then, he and Malcolm are waiting for the murderer, which reveals to be Serena, the daughter born from Alicia. Afraid of Malcolm's sudden appearance, she accidentally makes the explosives she was carrying explode.

The story ends on Malcom's final decision to give some money to his children and to build his house again, in which he invites the whole family when it is completely repared.

As far as my personnal opinion is concernedon these two stories, I think that the two novels are both built on the same scheme : in both of them, the main character is a person coming from a rich family, jockey amateur with some quality that will help her to solve a case (strong-mindedness, work, caution, …) that is resolved at the end of the book.

I think that the mixing of the mystery and investigation with the passion of the author for horses and the evolution of the relations between the main character and the other character creates something original and interesting and makes the story much more realistic compared to classical criminal novels. We see in the two novels different aspects of horse riding.

The problem is, though, that I found this mixing quite similar between the two stories, which makes me think that I may have read all of the novels of the author by reading one. The main characters in the two novels present common aspects: both of them have a sense of justice, aren't interested in money. I identify myself much more with the main character of the first story, who is quiet and hard-working, than with the main character of the second one.

The passion for horses has also a very particular effect : though at first it adds a surprising element to the story, then the reader accomodates with these details and won't find them interesting anymore, unless he himself is riding horses. I also think that there are too much details of luxury in the second novel, it gives the reader the impression of being a rich snob.

The second novel is much more interesting in terms of suspense than the first one, as one of the characters is continuously under death threat, but the first one is much more rich in action, as there are fights and a big rush in the end for the main chracter to save his own life.

The atmosphere of the two stories are also quite different. While in the first one the main character has a spirit of an adventurer, and meets several people from very different locations, the persons met by the main character of the second story are, for most of all, people of his family or that he has known for a long time.

The rythm of the second story is much more balanced than the first one : there are much more scenes that makes the story progress than in the first one. The time also passes differently in these two stories. While the story of the first novel goes on several years, the story of the second novel only lasts several weeks.

I also found the end of the second novel much more conventional than the end of the first one : in the first novel, the story ends on the arrival of Henry in an airport, and we don't know what happens next, whereas Hot Money has a kind of happy end.

Vocabulary :

Flying Finish :

to wince : grimacer

mildly : doucement

a snag :un inconvénient, une difficulté

maudlin : larmoyant

callousness : (psychologique) insensibilité, dureté

to snigger : rire sous cape

Hot Money :

to be as thick as two plaks : to be excessively stupid

rubble : décombres, gravats

to squeak : (homme) glapir

a tree stump : une souche d'arbre

to be catty about : être vache à propos de (se dit uniquement d'une femme)

to sneer : se moquer

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