We agreed that each student is going to read a book until the end of december and write a comment on the blog about the book, and also make a list of some of the words that they didn't knew.
The video: "Pictures that changed the world" was presented:
New vocabulary:
Each group marked on their texts all the new vocabulary, the list is the following:
French Grandes Écoles
Ill-suited, widespread, at stake, self-direct, downright, ill-suited, sound indicator, undermine, thrives on, inwardly-focused
3D Gun printer
Milling machine, frenzy, beyond expectations, an offshot, to foil, DIY tools, frenzy, "to become an installed part of the future".
Flaws, maintained, feature, widespread, abreast, advocates, mantra, to fall further, shallow
I added these notes to the "Jade Mountain Moments" document... and edited it slightly.